Saturday, November 6, 2010

What's your flavor?

So this post is about flavor.. let's talk about......Red Mango!!!! It's a frozen yogurt place. If you never heard of it, you need to check it out now!!! You get to create your own mix, with all kinds of different flavors! There are new ones, about every week! banana, blueberry, vanilla, etc. And top them off with fruit, pretzels, sprinkles, chocolate, cookie dough etc. :D

This is Allissa's red mango from a while ago. with oreo bits, and mini choclate chips! [[the yogurt is banana]
This is mine, with kiwi, strawberries, blackberries, mini m&ms! [[yogurt is pomegrant and blueberry]]

I would post the locations, but i don't want any stranger to see this, and try to come kidnap me!!!!! ;) lol

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmmmm.... Are you trying to tempt me? LOL! Hannah K.
