Monday, September 20, 2010

What I love about these pictures...

Love the dirty acorns, and the leaf that all of the acorns are on, and the dirt, and how it is in Black and White
Love how it focuses on the yellow and purple flower and it has purple and blue flowers in fuz in the background. also love the color of green!

Love the red flower in the water, with bubbles to the side of it and a wave right behind the flower.

Nails: Love how the fingernails are green, and match the dark green leaf, and the dirt in the background

Apple: Love the red and green background, love how all the colors match in this picture, and the lighting of the apple.

Flower petals: Love how they are in dirt and the lightning off the petals, and blurring of some dirt.

Purple flower: I love because the flash makes it look bright, and there is water and bubbles in the background, and love he american flag in the background as well as the greens :)

Crabapple: Love the sidewalk focusing and the leaves in the background

ALL of these pictures belong to me. These are all pictures I have taken!


  1. As always, love your pictures!
    <3<3 Cousin Josie

  2. You are so talented!!! Hope you keep taking lots more pics and sharing them with us!!! <3 <3 Hannah
